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Use it or lose it.

The 2024 school year is drawing to an end, and opportunities to make good use of your remaining 2024 budget are vanishing fast. OnPoint can help.

It's not too late.

You've still got time to make some valuable investments in your current and future learning environments before the season ends. Were you hoping to upgrade a classroom or equip a new STEM lab? Concerned you've run out of time at this point? We can help with that too.

OnPoint's experienced team can manage the entire process for you, from initial consultation, to detailed design, to delivery, installation, and final walk-throughs. OnPoint can oversee each stage from start to finish, including ordering and assembling your new classroom furnishings.

Time-sensitive funding

Many funding sources, like the ESSER III, require that recipients allocate and spend the awarded resources within strict deadlines, many of which are about to expire. In the case of the ESSER III, recipients must have a plan to utilize the funds no later than the end of June, 2024, with all funds utilized no later than September 15. Putting a plan together on short notice can be daunting, but OnPoint can help you get it done.

OnPoint partners with multiple industry-leading vendors, allowing us to offer our clients more options for design and delivery. One such partner, Paragon, has quick-ship options for 15, 10, even 5-day delivery plans. Don't delay any longer. Contact OnPoint today and get value from every last dollar of your 2024 budget.


Ready to begin? OnPoint can help.

Contact us for a consultation today and learn how OnPoint can help you make the most of your remaining 2024 budget!


OnPoint is committed to continually seeking out and partnering with industry-leaders in furniture, technology, and the construction of education spaces.

This article was inspired by a recent publication from one such partner: Paragon.

You can read the full article from Paragon here.


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